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“What makes night within us may leave stars.” ~ Victor Hugo

Birthdate: 15 October 2018   Arrival date: 30 November 2018


Artorias or Artie as he's known to his friends was born on 15th October 2015.  Separated from his mother, Artie's time was running out.  Fortune shone on this orphaned lamb when a wildlife carer happened upon him - unable to find his flock, they took him to safety.

The Australian sheep industry estimates that more than 10 million lambs die within 48 hours of birth, with an average mortality rate of 25% for lambs up to the age they are weaned.

Artie was raised by one of our wonderful lamb foster families.  Laila, Will & Elsie gave Artie the very best start to life and he will now spend his life advocating for his kind.

Please think of these innocent babies before supporting the wool or sheep meat industries, there is so much hidden suffering, and each of these beings values their lives as their most important possession. We can choose alternatives that don't support suffering or death.



You can sponsor Artie & his friends below.





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Help Protect Sheep

Far from how they are commonly portrayed, sheep are highly intelligent individuals who will form friendships with particular other sheep.  Despite their gentle nature and capacity to suffer as any other animal, sheep aren't protected by the same laws as dogs and cats. 'Codes of Practice' side-step the rules, meaning that painful procedures can be undertaken without pain relief, and their lives are routinely ended well before their natural lifespan has been reached.  It doesn't have to be this way.

When you sponsor a Little Oak lamb or sheep you will be helping protect all sheep. Your sponsorship will support Little Oak's essential advocacy work – sharing the stories of individual sheep and the plight of their kind across the nation. 


Sponsor today, and we'll take you on a journey to learn more about sheep through our regular updates - exclusive only to our monthly sponsors. We'll also keep you up to date on how your monthly gifts are helping to secure a brighter future for the sheep at Little Oak, and their kind across Australia.

Your contribution



Buys a bale of hay



vet care for a lamb or elderly sheep





Feed and vet care for the flock


Sponsor Artie as a gift

Looking for a unique gift idea?  We offer Gift Sponsorships via a one off payment, perfect for an animal lover. 

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